The Daisy Flower Fairy

What child in the UK has not picked daisies in order to make a daisy chain? I can remember making daisy chains as a child, my sons made them and my grandson made them. In fact he still does!
A plentiful flower, flowering from early spring right through the summer. Found in pastures and lawns in the UK. The fact that it is so prolific means that we can make daisy chains until our heart is content.
Cicely Mary Barker is the illustrator.
Cicely Mary Barker was equally proficient in watercolour, pen and ink, oils, and pastels. Kate Greenaway and the Pre-Raphaelites were the main influences on her work and she claimed to paint instinctively and rejected artistic theories. Barker died in 1973. Though she published Flower Fairy books with spring, summer, and autumn themes, it wasn’t until 1985 that a winter collection was assembled from her remaining work and published posthumously.
Many original Flower Fairy prints can be found on Ebay.